In their most basic form, locks are just a hammer, a mainspring, and a sear.

The action houses the gun’s locking and opening mechanism, and, depending on the design, the locks. Action: This is the metal section in the middle of a shotgun, and it’s where the barrels attach to the firearm.While these shotguns differed in some ways, they all had a handful of common features. By the time World War I began, most major makers had perfected their own versions of these ideas. Starting around 1860, gunmakers in the United Kingdom, United States, and continental Europe developed hundreds of ideas for shotguns loaded from the breech instead of from the muzzle. The side-by-sides we use today came about in the mid-1800s.

Gunpowder was invented about 1,000 years ago, and firearms have been around since the 14th Century. It will be time well spent What makes them the same Don’t be surprised (or sorry) if you find yourself spending hours learning about them and looking for the perfect one. Before we begin, I’ll also give you a warning: Old doubles are addictive. So if you’re looking to buy a vintage shotgun, trust me when I say there’s a lot you need to know before you buy one.

Even with all this experience, I learn new things about old shotguns all the time. I actually haven’t owned a gun-like a Holland & Holland Royal or a Dickson Round Action, but I’ve held many examples in my hands. I’ve owned ones by all the major American makers, and I’ve owned others from the United Kingdom and other European makers. I’ve been obsessed with old side-by-sides for decades now.