Quicksand visuals videos
Quicksand visuals videos

quicksand visuals videos

Sarkeesian demonstrated this with a soundclip that sounded like a woman having sex, but was actually the battle grunts from a female character in the game League of Legends. Sarkeesian has spoken at length about the game medium's history of dams​eling women and in one of her recent talks, " Eight things that devs can do to make ga​mes less shitty for women" she called on game developers to eliminate ​sexualized female voice acting in games, saying, "Start with trying to make pain actually sound painful instead of orgasmic." Watching the quicksand clips from those films on YouTube reminded me of a point feminist game critic Anita Sarkeesian had made recently about the representation of women in games. "Some of those films I recall seeing were Beastmaster, Neverending Story, A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and Ursus in the Valley of the Lions."

quicksand visuals videos

"I was pretty young, maybe 7 or 8, when I started seeing quicksand scenes in a movie or a TV show," A-020 told me, when asked about the circumstances where he first realized he was into quicksand imagery. "Though when it comes to knowing me in person, it's pretty much a secret! I haven't been in a situation where I had to reveal this fetish."

quicksand visuals videos

"I'm open with it online because I'm comfortable under a screenname," wrote A-020, who prefered to communicate with me only through Deviant Art's Note system. But my own look into the matter shows that the majority of quicksand artists on the site identify themselves as male. Some artists don't list a gender on their Deviant Art profile, and I did find a couple fem​ale quicksand artists.

Quicksand visuals videos